Archive for the ‘Physics’ Category

Mack Nuggets


Here’s what I’ve been up to on BOB fm lately… A bizarre wrong number; A leopard in the hotel room; Inappropriate laughter; If it’s got boobs or wheels, it’ll give you problems; Oversharing; Why Nancy won’t go back to London; 20 years since Oasis played Knebworth; Why the Daily Mail is great; Show us your […]

Space travel has become boring! It didn’t used to be, as a child, I watched live TV pictures of people walking, talking, singing, bouncing, hitting golf balls and driving a car, 238 thousand miles away ON THE MOON! From the moment my mother woke me up before 4am on July 20 1969 by whispering, “They’re […]

Do you know how to use a thermostat or are you one? It’s been very warm here in the south east of England lately. That means air-conditioning has been switched on more often. Unfortunately some people don’t seem to know how to work it so as a former air-conditioning engineer let me explain. Room temperature […]

Fat Chancer


There is no such thing as an “Obesity Epidemic”. Obesity isn’t a disease, it’s caused by an over-active fork! If you’re fat, it’s YOUR own fault. You’re the one who is eating too much and not doing enough exercise. It’s not the government’s fault, it’s YOUR fault. The government can’t help you, only YOU can […]

Historically wars have been ended through a combination of tech and talk. From radar to the atom bomb, technology has always helped to end wars but they don’t end till there’s been talks. Tech and talk has also stopped wars from starting in the first place. Somehow, the tech and talk answer has been missed by […]

Sting sang, “Giant steps are what you take, walking on the moon”. He was right about that, the Moon is smaller than the earth and has much less mass so it pulls with less gravity. In fact, if you stood on the surface of the Moon, you would experience only 17% the force of gravity […]

If you say you have an “open mind” to the possibility that some humans have paranormal powers, you actually have a closed mind. Your mind is closed to the fact that there is a total lack of evidence that such powers exist. If you think that there’s a chance that even one person on earth […]

Why do people say they want to “go with the flow”? Nothing worth having comes easy or accidentally. Positive changes can only be made by going where the flow doesn’t go. I agree with what Ricky Gervais had to say on the subject a few years ago. He said, “I don’t know what happiness is […]

I won’t be buying a ticket on Virgin Galactic. There’s a lot of confusion about Richard Branson’s plans to send paying customers into space. That’s probably because of the way it’s being reported. The media seem so keen to jam a buzz word or scientific sounding phrase into their reports that they’re just getting things […]

In physics, the ‘Law of Conservation of Energy’ states that the total energy of an isolated system cannot change. It is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but can change form. For instance chemical energy can be converted to kinetic energy in the explosion of a stick of dynamite. We went furniture shopping today and it reminded me of something my dad told […]