Archive for the ‘plastic’ Category

The demise of newspapers has been great for the environment. Nowadays, hardly anyone buys a daily paper. Imagine the amount of forests that are being saved because everything is online now. There is no value in printed newspapers anymore. Look at the Evening Standard, you used to have to pay for it, now it’s free. […]

Ever wonder why the world is out of whack right now? Donald Trump is the President, North and South Korea are competing TOGETHER in the Winter Olympics and there’s a sports car in space! It’s all because we’re living in a parallel universe. The proof is a thing called “The Mandela Effect”. That’s the name […]

Super Sneaky


The environment is being destroyed by the Supermarkets of Britain. When you shop at any of Britain’s big supermarkets, you’re not given environmentally friendly, biodegradable bags to take your shopping home in. You’re given plastic bags. These bags can take hundreds of years to break down. They’re clogging drains and waterways and killing wildlife. The […]

Mack Nuggets


Here’s what I’ve been up to on BOB fm lately, including: Being Embarrassed by your parents. What men DON’T want for Christmas. Plastic surgery that fixed one thing and ruined another. A bag for life. Why Volkswagen have done nothing wrong. Prince William, the wrong person to talk to the Chinese. Britain’s train operators do […]



The British government and their friends, the large supermarkets, are encouraging the destruction of the planet and are charging YOU for the privilege. There’s now a 5p charge on supermarket plastic bags. A penny of that goes straight to the government as VAT. They say the policy will reduce litter, waste and protect wildlife. They […]