Crab Apple


“Do what you said you would do, when you said you would do it, the way you said you would do it”. That is the number one rule for life and business according to Larry Winget, who describes himself as, ‘The pitbull of personal development’.

Larry is right because whenever an individual or organisation doesn’t do that, we are disappointed and lose faith in them. We may even get angry.

Last week I ordered a new computer from the Apple Store on-line. I paid extra for an evening delivery. They emailed me to say it would be delivered between 5 and 9 last night. The number you can call to track your order closes at 9pm so when it hadn’t been delivered by 8:20, I called them. I spoke to a robot who eventually put me through to a human being. She was very pleasant but utterly useless. She told me it should be delivered in the next forty minutes. Hey, I KNOW that! We both know that it SHOULD be delivered before 9! I want to know when it WILL be delivered!

9pm came and went, no sign of the computer and I couldn’t complain because the tracking line was now closed!

This morning I opened my email and noticed a new one from Apple. I naturally assumed it was an apology, a refund of the extra I paid for an evening delivery or at least some explanation as to why they had failed in every way possible. That’s not what was in the email, it was a link to a survey asking me to rate my buying experience and their customer service. Unfortunately, in each category it was impossible to give them a zero so I just gave them a mark of 1 out of 10 for customer satisfaction in every area.

They STILL have not delivered the computer or even said why not.

I ordered an apple but they’ve given me the pip!

Craic on!

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